Sutton Lane - Avon Weir crossroads

1870s map

The east-west bridleway meets Sutton Lane beside a small chicken farm. The farm used to have a field of Sutton Benger allotments in the 1800s and early 1900s; there were more allotments on Sutton Lane, to the north of here. The 1870s map of this area shows that the 'garden allotments' were 'part let with the "Willesley Arms" (sic).

The bridleway leading to the west goes to the National Trust's Sutton Lane Meadows; from there a Public Right of Way leads all the way to Kington Langley. Villagers in Langley did not have their own mill, and in the 1700s they used this 'green road' to reach the Avon Mill. However, the route is not shown on the 1870s map.

The road to the south heads towards Sutton Lane Farm and Chissell Brook, the southern boundary of Sutton Benger parish.

The road to the north leads to Sutton Benger, half a mile away.